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The Holland Law Firm, P.C.

Criminal Records Identity Theft – What Does it Entail?

Do Police Investigate Identity Theft?

According to, identity theft occurs when “someone steals your personal information to commit fraud.” The identity thief gets money using your identity. The crime leaves you with debt collectors calling and severe damage to your credit rating because numerous accounts have been opened in your name. Identity thieves never paid off the accounts, so the merchants who extended credit start reporting a negative “tradeline” on your credit reports. At the Holland Law Firm, we help victims of identity theft get negative items (known as “tradelines”) removed from their credit reports.  We also defend people who get sued for nonpayment of fraudulently opened accounts due to identity theft. 

See our Identity Theft practice page here.

Identity theft is a crime that is usually committed to making a profit off of the victim. The perpetrators can be computer hackers (“data breach”) or even close friends and relatives.  Unfortunately, identity theft is becoming more common in industrialized countries, especially in the United States. With identity crime becoming more rampant and very hard to track, many people ask themselves, “Do police investigate identity theft, or can they investigate identity theft?”

do police investigate identity theft

What Can You Do to Avoid Falling Victim to this Crime?

The short answer to this question is to be diligent in protecting your information. There are several ways that criminals can procure your personal information and steal your identity. You may be at risk for identity theft if a criminal can get their hands on the following:

●  Bank Statements

●  Discarded Credit Card & ATM Receipts

●  Falsely Obtained Credit Reports

●  Pre-approved Credit Card Applications

●  Stolen Mail

●  Theft of a Wallet or Purse, Credit Cards, Social Security Card, Birth Certificate, Passport

●  Internet Websites

Taking steps to secure your personal information can certainly help you to avoid identity theft. But unfortunately, protecting your information isn’t always enough to prevent identity theft. However, there are steps you can take to reverse the adverse effects that this crime could potentially have on your life. Be sure to monitor your credit report regularly so that you can detect any suspicious activity early on.

Afraid You May Have Fraudulent Information on Your Credit Report? 
Learn How a Credit Report Lawyer Can Help You Clear False Information off Your Record(s)

What Can You Do if You Have Fallen Victim to Identity Theft?

Thankfully, you are not helpless in this situation. Contact the identity theft lawyers at The Holland Law Firm.  The sooner you contact an identity theft lawyer, the better.  You can also file a complaint with the FTC (Federal Trade Commission). Print out your Theft Affidavit and bring it with you to file a police report and create an Identity Theft Report. (According to the Las Vegas Review Journal, this Identity Theft Report can also be used to remove false information from your credit report, stop a company from collecting debts, and place an extended fraud alert on your credit report.)

Does Filing a Police Report Lead to a Thorough Investigation of Identity Theft?

The short answer to this question is no. Identity theft usually involves numerous jurisdictions, and the matter is further complicated if the internet has been used in any way to commit the crime. Due to this very nature of identity theft, it is very difficult to investigate.

Filing a police report may not lead to a thorough investigation, but it will benefit you. Most credit report agencies and creditors encourage identity theft victims to file a police report. Doing so may or may not lead to the capture of this thief, but it will certainly help to convince others that you are indeed a victim of identity theft rather than just another debtor. The sooner you can make a police report, the better it will be for you in the long run.

At The Holland Law Firm, we have witnessed many victims of identity theft who had their credit and livelihoods tampered with. We all wish crimes involving identity theft were straightforward to deal with; it would be great to resolve identity theft issues by walking down to your local sheriff’s office and having a chat with Andy Taylor, but it just isn’t so.

Do Police Investigate Identity Theft and Will They Help Me? When Should I Hire a Lawyer?

If you have discovered that you have fallen victim to identity theft, you should contact an attorney immediately. It is advisable to share all of the court papers, letters, and emails with an identity theft lawyer to make the most of a consultation.

After reviewing your paperwork, an identity theft attorney will be able to determine the best course of action. An attorney will help defend you against debt collectors and help dispute the fraudulent accounts on your credit reports. An identity theft lawyer may also recommend that you sue third parties who are in part responsible, including the banks and finance companies who enabled or allowed the theft to occur or who refuse to remove your name from an obviously fraudulent account.

Even though identity theft can be a frightening situation to find yourself in, don’t feel helpless! Our identity theft lawyers have helped people clear up their records and gain back control of their identities.

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See more of our articles on Identity Theft:

5 of the Most Common Types of Identity Theft — and How to Protect Your Information

Identity Theft Protection: 5 Things You Need to Know About Familial Identity Theft

Identity Theft Defense: Are You A Victim of Identity Theft and Being Sued? Follow These 4 Steps