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The Holland Law Firm, P.C.

Criminal Records Identity Theft – What Does it Entail?

What Is Child Identity Theft?

Child identity theft? Yes, that can happen. Your child can have their identity stolen. We tend to think of identity theft as something that only happens to adults with something to lose, such as bank account numbers, credit card numbers, and other financial resources criminals would be after. However, your child’s identity is at risk because of their social security number and what criminals can do with it. There’s no level some people won’t sink, and sadly, children can be at risk.  

what is child identity theft

What is Child Identity Theft: Asking the Right Questions

Did your child’s school ask for their social security number? Are you as careful with their social security number as your own?

If your child’s school asks for their social security number, ask why it is needed and how the institution will protect it. You are not being difficult: you are being protective of their identity. Ask the school if you could provide another identifier for your child instead of their social security number or just use the last four digits of their social security number.

How it Can happen 

  1. Criminals could use the child’s social security number to get government health benefits,
  2. Open a credit card or bank account,
  3. Sign up for utilities such as a cable, cell phone, or electric company,
  4. Begin a lease for an apartment.

What is Child Identity Theft: The Warning Signs

  1. Someone calls and says your child is overdue on a bill, but it is not an account that you opened for your child,
  2. You received a letter from the IRS saying your child owes taxes,
  3. You are denied a student loan for your child because your child has bad credit.

As experienced identity theft lawyers, we can help you get to the bottom of what has happened if your child’s identity was stolen.

Call the identity theft lawyers at The Holland Law Firm so we can help get your peace of mind back.