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New Consumer Rights Laws – Protections for 2022

Since November 30, 2021, new regulations have been added to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), providing additional support for people experiencing debt collection harassment. Living with debt is difficult enough, and the reasons are far more nuanced than many debt collectors care to acknowledge. 

new consumer rights laws

Whether you’re living through financial insecurity because of the pandemic, surprise medical bills, or even being in false debt (identity theft), you should never feel like you’re being subjected to debt collection harassment. Here’s what you need to know about the new rights put in place for consumers and how they can benefit you in case of debt collection harassment. 

Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)

As of 2022, there’s a law available to protect you from illegal debt collectors. You may not even be in debt, but scammers will take advantage of vulnerable people to make them believe otherwise. Thankfully, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act is available to protect you from unlawful collectors; this law prohibits debt collectors from using deceptive, abusive, or unfair practices when collecting money. 

Here are some of the latest regulations that have been included in the FDCPA since late 2021:

  • Stop Collection Calls

A consumer can request the suspension of a certain communication method (e.g., phone calls). This request can be made orally and must be respected by the collector in question. 

  • Preconditions to Collector Credit Reporting

A debt collector must speak with the consumer before reporting the account to a credit bureau. The collector can do this via phone calls, electronic messages, or mail; this is important for consumers to prevent them from learning about debt when it’s least convenient (i.e., buying a new home). 

  • Frequency of Collection Conversations

Collectors can’t constantly contact you about the same debt. If they talk to you, they must wait a week before contacting you again. Unfortunately, debt collectors may take advantage of this if you have multiple debts. Remember that you always have a right to tell a debt collector to leave you alone and stop calling!

  • Expanded Information on Debt Collection Notices

When debt collectors give you a validation notice, they’re required to provide more information upon request; this action can help consumers identify the supposed debt and determine whether it’s a scam or legitimate information. 

Reporting a Debt Collector

If an unlawful debt collector has harassed you, it’s important to know your rights. You should never be subject to illegal practices that scam or scare you into paying off debt. If you’ve been subjected to illegal debt collection, you can report the collector to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission

Working with a consumer protection lawyer can help you build a case and file a lawsuit against the illegal debt collector and send a message that you will not tolerate this sort of behavior. 

If you’re suffering from unscrupulous debt collectors, the experienced attorneys at Holland Law Firm can help you bring it to an end.

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