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The Holland Law Firm, P.C.

Criminal Records Identity Theft – What Does it Entail?

Identity Theft Actions: What Can Victims Do?

Identity theft is a pervasive issue affecting countless individuals across the nation. Victims often find themselves grappling not only with the financial repercussions but also with the emotional toll of having their personal information compromised and all of the fallout that comes with the trauma. 

Despite prevailing misconceptions that victims may be somehow to blame for the theft, it’s crucial to recognize that the fault lies with the perpetrators of the crime and sometimes the institutions that fail to safeguard your information and accounts.

identity theft actions

Identity Theft Actions: A Guide to Help

One problem that victims of identity theft have to deal with is victim blaming; most often, this blame is self-inflicted. People often feel that they must have done something to contribute to their victimization. They remember losing a wallet or not tearing up a bank statement and assume that that is the source of the problem. However, this narrative is unfounded. The reality is that no individual willingly allows their identity to be stolen. The responsibility squarely rests on the shoulders of the identity thief, not the victim. 

Identity thieves in the internet age can simply buy consumer information on the black market, and the chances are that your information is out there somewhere because of the large number of data breaches at large US companies and institutions.

Evolution of Identity Theft

How has identity theft evolved over the years? The landscape of identity theft has shifted dramatically, with perpetrators exploiting vulnerabilities in digital systems and databases. 

Large companies, including banks and credit reporting agencies, have experienced breaches, exposing sensitive personal information. This stolen data is ammunition for identity thieves, who exploit it to perpetrate fraudulent activities.

Identity Theft Actions 

  • Obtain Credit Reports and Contact The Relevant Authorities

The first step for victims is to obtain their credit reports and meticulously examine them to gauge the extent of the fraud perpetrated in their name. Understanding the scope of the unauthorized activity is crucial for formulating a response strategy. You should take careful note, not just of fraudulent accounts, but of fraudulent inquiries, addresses, phone numbers, and even names that are not yours on your credit reports.

Victims should promptly file a police report detailing the identity theft and submit an FTC ID theft report through These reports serve as official documentation of the crime and are essential for initiating investigations and pursuing legal recourse.

After making a report, victims should immediately dispute all fraudulent information with the credit reporting agencies (CRAs). You should keep a copy of any dispute you send. You should also include a copy of your ID theft report and police report. If you have other evidence to show that you did not open the account, you should provide that, too.

  • Seek Legal Guidance

Victims will benefit from the expertise of an identity theft lawyer in navigating the complexities of identity theft recovery. These professionals possess specialized knowledge and experience in advocating for victims’ rights and holding negligent entities accountable. Seeking legal guidance empowers victims to challenge unjust practices.

Victims of identity theft should not bear the burden of guilt or responsibility for crimes perpetrated against them. It’s imperative to dispel misconceptions surrounding victim-blaming and instead focus on taking decisive action to address the aftermath of identity theft. 

By following the outlined course of action and enlisting the assistance of qualified legal professionals, victims can assert their rights and work towards reclaiming their financial security and peace of mind.

If you’ve become a victim of identity theft and need help and guidance, please reach out.